Wednesday, February 10, 2010


During this activity, I felt really good and I had a good time. I think I was more of a participant because I volunteered myself to go and try the maze one of the first few times. Once we had the maze figured out, it was easier to get across with the help of our classmates the 2nd time we did this. Without talking the 1st time, it was harder to succeed in solving the maze, but that's what leadership and teamwork takes. Not everything will go as you expected, therefore you need to adjust to your surroundings and find a new way to get the task done. It was easier to be an aide during this activity because it was easier to get the class across when you could tell them where to step. Without talking, we had to point instead, but we still succeeded. The first time we did this maze, I relied on my group more to get me across because although I had memorized all the steps, when I got on the tarp I only remembered half of them. When people aren't on the same level as you, you would help them out in whatever way possible to help them succeed. This activity is like everyday life because daily, we are faced with obstacles in life. If one way of succeeding doesn't work, we don't give up. We always try to find another way to solve the obstacle, using determination and patience. I think it is easier to solve a problem from the outside looking in because you can use other people's opinions to help come up with a new way of succeeding. Without talking, it was difficult to get our class across the maze, but we found a way to complete the activity because we all used teamwork to help find a way to get people to know where to go by not talking. With talking, it was easier to communicate with our classmates, but I felt like more people in the class were unfocused, while the other half were trying to help those who wanted to participate. Overall, the activity was fun, and we could really see who was willing to step up and help others and see who didn't show their leadership.


  1. I agree with the staement "not everything will go as you expected." That is totally true in life too. You will always have some obsticals to face. Adjust and adapt to your surroundings. I also mostly relied on my classmates during the first time to get through the maze. I would try to memorize the steps nad forget them once i stepped on the tarp too. We really did work together as one and helped eachother as a group to get across the tarp. It was alot easier to do the activity while talking because you could communicate better with everyone.

  2. Wow after reading what you wrote, Norah, and then reading what Fred wrote, I absolutely agree! my favorite thing you said that really made me think was when you said, "Not everything will go as you expected, therefore you need to adjust to your surroundings and find a new way to get the task done." Thats such an interesting way to put it and I never thought of it that way! I love what you said about the connection to real life, as well. I love what you said about the differences between the non-talking try and the try where we could talk. The group did seem a bit unfocused when we were allowed to talk. Some of that may have been due to the fact that we had been working on it for a while, but also it was hard to stay focues when a lot of us are such talkers! Your segment about being on the outside looking in was really interesting, too. You have a lot of great ideas that really opened my eyes to new ideas. Thank you!
