Sunday, February 21, 2010

Leadership: How To Become Extraordinary Individuals

Leadership. I don't believe there is one set definition for leadership. There is no right way to lead, so why should there be one definition everyone should accept. I believe that everyone has the potential to be a leader. Leaders are not born. They inherit qualities based on their past experiences in life, like it says in Chapter 1. I believe that we all have the potential to do good in life, but we choose whether to do so or not.
After reading chapter 1, I think the basis to good leadership is maintaining and forming relationships between the group members. The group needs to understand how people work together and use each others strengths and weaknesses to achieve the goal. Every group needs either an individual or members that they can go to for advice and a safety net. I believe that these indivuduals others go to are not afraid to speak for what they believe in. They strongly believe in what they believe in and there is no way of changing that. I think everyone can look up to those leaders in our lives. Although many people think of leaders as bringing drastic change to the world through good works, we often don't realize that there are leaders everywhere in our lives. For example, teachers are leaders. They use leadership to help communicate with us, students, to help get a good education that will allow us to have a great future in the world. Without their leadership, we would not be where we are today. It is important to study leadership because we can all learn a life lesson by taking part in changing something in our lives for the common good of other people. Even if we learned something small, we will never forget our experiences by working together. I think that everyone can benefit from leadership because I think it allows us to see who we really are and how people react to certain situations. We can tell if people over react or if they remain calm in times of struggle. Leadership is important for everyone. I one day hope to become a leader in my community, whether i make a small impact or a big one. I hope that others can benefit from my work and that I will inspire others to carry out the work in the future.

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